Resources stripped from the South, piling up in the North

This is the image I was thinking of in class today. Very evocative, I think, of the unidirectional flow of resources on a global scale. Please share your thoughts.

Screen shot 2016-02-12 at 11.47.16 AM

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5 Responses to Resources stripped from the South, piling up in the North

  1. Eugene Dorokhin says:

    Interesting, this can symbolize both resources being depleted, and wealth being sucked out by the northern hemisphere. It’s made to appear as though the southern continents (and Mexico) have been dug out of the majority of their symbolic wealth, and the north stockpiles it atop their own. I wonder if the portions such as Madagascar are remain neither dug, nor pilled, because its riches are still for the most part untouched.


  2. Katherine Domingo Chavarria says:

    This picture seems to depict that the continents that have been dug out have been used of all the resources that they contained and moved move or used in the places that they have been placed. What I also noticed was that the Global South was where all the resources where taken from and moved into the Global North. Is this the whole picture or was Asia just cut off, looking at the whole world would give more information.
    It can be said that when looking at this picture that it is accurate, both Europe and the US are one of the biggest GDP ranking countries in the past and today.


  3. Christopher Wassif says:

    I find this image distressing for multiple reasons. First of all, as was displayed in the Bananaland film, not only are natural resources from South America (and Africa) being exploited, but this image does not necessarily capture the exploitation of labor that is also being carried out. Furthermore, if we take a step back and think about why these continents are being exploited by the “global north”, we are reminded that at one point, the global north had a comparable amount of resources to the current nations being exploited. However, through poor resource management, the effects of industrialization, and an overdeveloped, overpowered, materialist culture, these resources became scarce. But rather than looking towards the global south as a way to “start over” ; to effectively manage resources and denounce cultures that value convenience over quality of life, economic inequality over social equality- we are exploiting this nations to fuel our “business as usual” mantra. As is also displayed by this image, the resources piling up in the north are not of any use, but a collection of novelties that will be thrown out. Ultimately, I’m left wondering, if the global south continues on the same trajectory of development as the global north, whose resources will be left for them to exploit?


  4. Andrew Kehinde says:

    This image is powerful beyond words. I find it captivating how back during the civil war in America the North/Union was suppose to be the “good guys.” Granted that was a total different cause of conflict taking place. But it had a commonality to the pictures, they were fighting for resources (being that of maintaining or not maintaining slaves). Reason why I brought it up is because I thoguht that the North (out of all directions especially the South) were always the good guys. Now looking at this powerful picture it goes to show that isn’t always the case. The less unfortuante will always have something that the forunate wants, no matter if you may consider it small, that’s not always the case.


  5. katsaidso says:

    This image clearly depicts the exploitation of the southern hemisphere, only for the benefits of the northern hemisphere. To me, this image shows that only certain parts of the world are being depleted of it’s natural resources all in the name of excess prosperity for another. I feel like it sums up the past and current situation, reminding us as a people to consider which side we’re on; I mean this not literally where we live, but how we, as a people, either the mass consumers that knowingly or unknowingly support these actions – or – the exploited, underpaid and or displaced workers, or modern day slaves, continue to contribute or suffer from this problem.
    P.S. – I haven’t purchased, nor do I plan to ever purchase another Chiquita or Dole product since watching the film Bananaland because I believe “when you know better, you should do better,” and even though it’s a very small attempt to help out the situation, I believe that one small step is better than none. On that note, there’s so many more companies I need to boycott, probably all. *sigh*


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